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Professor Chen Xi nominated for the 5th Guo Moruo Prize in Chinese History

  • 2019-01-18

Professor Chen Xi’s book Criminal Procedure Practices in the Tang Dynasty (Science Press, 2017 edition) is nominated for the 5th Guo Moruo Prize in Chinese History, according to the China Social Science website.

The Guo Moruo Prize in Chinese History established in 1998 is an authoritative award in the field of Chinese history studies. It aims to encourage historians to fully engage in academic research and promote the development and prosperity of Chinese history studies. The prize has been playing a good exemplary role in political direction, discipline construction and personnel training, and has been widely recognized by the historian circle.

Focusing on the criminal procedure practice in the Tang dynasty, Chen’s book conducts case studies on the subject of litigation, accusation, trial and execution etc. It ascertains the basic situation of the formation, operation and development of the criminal procedure practice in the Tang Dynasty, outlines the operating pattern of the trinity and coordination of the system, practice and concept in the traditional Chinese litigation legislation, and probes into the evolution and maturation of traditional Chinese procedural law.

This book is also included in the 2016 National Achievement Library in Philosophy and Social Sciences and 2017 Chinese Academic Translation Project. It has won a first prize of the 10th Xi’an City Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences, and a second prize of the First Fangde Legal Research Achievement Award.

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